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#InvestForGood Blog

Investment Insights, Evidence & Stories that matter

Read over 600,000 times

Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. DSPAM 2024


Philosophy And Psychology

Here’s why you don’t make the highest possible returns every year!


Feb 20, 2024 9 min


Decisions, Decisions: Simplifying Your Approach

  1. Adopt a Multi-Style Approach

    Different investment styles come into favor at different times. By adopting a multi-style approach, you diversify your investments across various styles, increasing your chances of capturing favorable market movements.

  2. Embrace a Multi-Sector Strategy

    Opportunities emerge across various sectors at different times. A multi-sector approach ensures diversified exposure to these opportunities, allowing you to benefit from the growth potential in different areas of the market.

  3. Implement a Multi-Cap Approach

    While it's tempting to chase the recent high performers, it's important to remember that the best performing market cap segments change over time. A multi-cap approach prevents you from focusing solely on past winners and opens the door to potential future performers.


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A well-constructed investment portfolio should be like a puzzle with pieces that individually look good, but when combined, look even better A well-constructed investment portfolio should be like a puzzle with pieces that individually look good.

A well-constructed investment portfolio should be like a puzzle with pieces that individually look good, but when combined, look even better A well-constructed investment portfolio should be like a puzzle with

Want to participate in the opportunity offered by the Indian Banking sector?


The art behind multi-asset investing

A well-constructed investment portfolio should be like a puzzle with pieces that individually look good, but when combined, look even better!

  • A well-constructed investment

  • Constructed investment

  • Investment

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Investment Insights, Evidence & Stories that matter

Read over 600,000 times

A well-constructed investment portfolio should be like a puzzle with pieces that individually look good, but when combined, look even better A well-constructed investment portfolio should be like a puzzle with pieces that individually look good, but when combined, look even better!

Test, Editor

डायवर्सिफिकेशन क्या है? आपको इसकी जरूरत किस लिए है? | DSP Mutual Fund

A well-constructed investment portfolio should be like a puzzle with pieces that individually look good, but when combined, look even better A well-constructed investment portfolio should be like a puzzle with pieces that individually look good, but when combined, look even better!


Katen Doe, AVP


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In this material DSP Asset Managers Pvt. Ltd. (the AMC) has used information that is publicly available, including information developed in-house. Information gathered and used in this material is believed to be from reliable sources. While utmost care has been exercised while preparing this document, the AMC nor any person connected does not warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information and disclaims all liabilities, losses and damages arising out of the use of this information. The recipient(s) before acting on any information herein should make his/their own investigation and seek appropriate professional advice. The statements contained herein may include statements of future expectations and other forward looking statements that are based on prevailing market conditions / various other factors and involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results, performance or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements. The sector(s)/stock(s)/issuer(s) mentioned in this presentation do not constitute any research report/recommendation of the same and the schemes of DSP mutual fund may or may not have any future position in these sector(s)/stock(s)/issuer(s). All opinions/ figures/ charts/ graphs are as on date of publishing (or as at mentioned date) and are subject to change without notice. Any logos used may be trademarks™ or registered® trademarks of their respective holders, our usage does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them. These figures pertain to performance of the index/Model and do not in any manner indicate the returns/performance of the Scheme. It is not possible to invest directly in an index.

  • Funds
  • Mutual Funds
  • Tax


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