DSP Strategic Bond Fund - Asset Allocation
DSP Strategic Bond Fund - Asset Allocation
Instruments | Indicative Allocation (% of total assets) Minimum | Indicative Allocation (% of total assets) Maximum | Risk Profile | Actual Asset Allocation (% to total Assets) as on 28-February-2025 |
Money market securities and/or Debt Securities* which have residual or average maturity of less than or equal to 367 days or have put options within a period not exceeding 367 days# |
0% |
100% |
Low |
5.68% |
Debt securities* which have residual or average maturity of more than 367 days |
0% |
100% |
Low to medium |
94.32% |
# includes Receivable/Payable and AIF - CDMDF Units
This is not a Money Market Mutual Fund Scheme.