
Medium Term Solution

Medium Term Solution

Benchmark: CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 - Aggressive Index info icon

96.25 lakh people have invested in this fund

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This solution


CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 - Aggressive Index






This solution


CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 - Aggressive Index




This solution is for investors who are looking to grow their capital for achieving the financial goals that are at least 4-5 years away. The underlying assumption behind this solution is that even though equity investments are volatile, they are known to compound your money in the long run.

Funds in the solution

DSP Equity Opportunities Fund
  • Growth
  • Equity
  • Large-cap

Risk factor:

Very High Risk info

  • 50%

  • Share info

DSP Mid Cap Fund
  • Growth
  • Equity
  • Mid-cap

Risk factor:

Very High Risk info

  • 25%

  • Share info

DSP Banking & PSU Debt Fund
  • Growth
  • Debt

Risk factor:

Very High Risk info

  • 15%

  • Share info

DSP Ultra Short Fund
  • Growth
  • Equity
  • Large-cap

Risk factor:

Very High Risk info

  • 10%

  • Share info


Frequent volatility

Goal of Investment

Grow capital with limited downside

Ideal holding period

Atleast 4-5 years

Past Returns


10 years


5 years


3 years


1 year

Fund managers

Rohit Singhania

Rohit Singhania

Managing DSP Equity Opportunities Fund in this solution.
Managing DSP Equity Opportunities Fund in this solution.

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Shantanu Godambe

Shantanu Godambe

Managing DSP Banking & PSU Debt Fund, DSP Short Term Fund in this solution.
Managing DSP Banking & PSU Debt Fund, DSP Short Term Fund in this solution.

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Sandeep Yadav

Sandeep Yadav

Managing DSP Banking & PSU Debt Fund in this solution.
Managing DSP Banking & PSU Debt Fund in this solution.

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Karan Mundhra

Karan Mundhra

Managing DSP Short Term Fund, DSP Ultra Short Fund in this solution.
Managing DSP Short Term Fund, DSP Ultra Short Fund in this solution.

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Shalini Vasanta

Shalini Vasanta

Managing DSP Ultra Short Fund in this solution.
Managing DSP Ultra Short Fund in this solution.

arrow_forwardSee funds managed by her

Compare Performance

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Invested as

Invested Amount

Invested since

This Solution


CRISIL Hybrid 35+65 -



Funds Annual returns Current Value Absolute Growth
  • There is no guarantee that investors goals will be met.
  • Scheme(s) referred in above chart are schemes of DSP Mutual Fund.
  • The above basket of portfolios are given only for investor's convenience and Investor can invest in the individual scheme(s) as well. The portfolios are created without reference to any individual investor's risk appetite/ their financial needs/ goals etc. and Investors should consult their mutual fund distributors or tax advisors before selecting the said portfolio. The portfolio(s) do not guarantee achievement of any goal or targeted/assured returns. For detailed information on individual scheme, investors are requested to read Scheme Information Document of relevant scheme available on www.dspim.com.
  • The returns chart for the portfolio is plotted based on initial investment as per the allocations specified. The portfolio will undergo rebalancing to initial allocations as & when the allocations bust 10% thresholds. For example, if allocation to specific scheme is 50% then rebalancing will trigger when the allocation to the said scheme as per current market value on that specific day busts 55%. This rebalancing is done to ensure portfolio stays true to the initial objective at the time of investment. The exit load & tax impact, if any, at the time of rebalancing aren't accounted in the returns chart. Also, to prevent frequent rebalancing due to market volatility, rebalancing events are limited to once in a year. For example, if the last rebalance event has been executed on Jan 1, 2018 then no further rebalancing will happen prior to Jan 1, 2019 even if the 10% thresholds defined for rebalancing are breached.
  • Past performance may or may not be sustained in future and should not be used as a basis for comparison with other investments. For performance in SEBI prescribed format click on the scheme names mentioned above under "Schemes in this solution"
  • For lumpsum investments, if the investment period is less than 1 year then same return values are displayed for absolute & XIRR. For periods above 1 year, they are annualized. 1 Year is assumed as 365 days.
  • Returns for investments in income distribution cum capital withdrawal (IDCW) plans of schemes are calculated after assuming that the net income distribution cum capital withdrawal (IDCW) payouts post statutory taxes & levies, are re-invested back in the scheme.
  • For SIP returns chart, the start day for SIP investments is considered as 1st of every month. There is no end date to SIPs for the purpose of graphs.
  • For the purpose of NAV date applicability, if the investment date happens to be a non-business day, next business day's NAV is applied. Investment on inception date can happen on a non-business day.
  • Gold prices are available post 29 JAN, 2005 & are based on daily closing values on MCX.
  • PPF interest rate is assumed at 8.7% p.a. & interest received is compounded daily for the returns illustration in the charts.

Solution Details

Solution Details

Solution Description

This solution is for investors who are looking to grow their capital for achieving the financial goals that are at least 4-5 years away. The underlying assumption behind this solution is that even though equity investments are volatile, they are known to compound your money in the long run.

Minimum Investment

1,000 Lumpsum

1,000 SIP - 12 instalments

DSP Equity Opportunities Fund

View details
DSP Equity Opportunities Fund

DSP Banking & PSU Debt Fund

View details
DSP Banking & PSU Debt Fund

DSP Short Term Fund

View details
DSP Short Term Fund

DSP Ultra Short Fund

View details
DSP Ultra Short Fund

NIFTY LargeMidcap 250 (TRI)

Benchmark of DSP Equity Opportunities Fund

NIFTY LargeMidcap 250 (TRI)

Nifty Banking & PSU Debt Index A-II

Benchmark of DSP Banking & PSU Debt Fund

Nifty Banking & PSU Debt Index A-II

CRISIL Short Duration Debt A-II Index

Benchmark of DSP Short Term Fund

CRISIL Short Duration Debt A-II Index

CRISIL Ultra Short Duration Debt A-I Index

Benchmark of DSP Ultra Short Fund

CRISIL Ultra Short Duration Debt A-I Index
  • DSP Solutions is not, in any manner an assurance or promise or guarantee on part of DSP Mutual Fund / DSP Asset Managers Private Limited AMC to the unit holders in terms of returns or capital appreciation or minimization of loss of capital.
  • DSP Solutions is a feature of the platform provided by the Mutual Fund and not of the scheme. The AMC reserves the right to make changes to this model as may be necessary and as it may deem fit.
  • DSP Solutions is an Investment solution which is being offered through this platform is similar to a cart journey (i.e. which support an investor to have a multiple scheme in the basket) in a single purchase order during their normal purchase journey. The basket of certain selected schemes are given only for Investors convenience which is completely optional and Investor can invest in the individual scheme(s) digitally also. The amount to be invested in the scheme is configured as per the pre-defined percentage for each solutions which is being offered in the platform, for which the investor is well aware and can help an Investor to rely on their own experience while selecting the baskets suitable to them. The investments made in the scheme(s) through baskets (i.e. purchase) / redemption or any other transactions are treated at par with individual scheme transactions. The readymade baskets are for subscription in multiple schemes with minimal clicks. Investors can redeem the desired units from any scheme at any time without any conditions or restrictions other than those applicable as per the SID of the respective scheme.
  • The investment approach / framework/ strategy mentioned herein are currently followed by the scheme and the same may change in future depending on market conditions and other factors within the boundaries as defined in Scheme information Document.
  • The user(s) before acting on any information herein should make his/their own decision and seek appropriate professional advice.
  • For complete details on investment objective, investment strategy, asset allocation, scheme specific risk factors and more details, please read the Scheme Information Document, and Key Information Memorandum of the scheme available on ISC of AMC and also available on www.dspim.com