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Today, digital & technology are creating the
biggest global revolution in economic history.
However, this is not new for the human race.
Here is how innovations have reshaped the world over the last few centuries.
1700s - 1800s
First Industrial
1800s - 1900s
Second industrial
1900s - 2000s
IT Revolution
2022 & beyond
Digital Revolution
Here is how innovations have reshaped
the world over the last few centuries.
Skip this section
1700s - 1800s
First Industrial
Revolutionary Innovations
Steam Engine,
1800s - 1900s
Second industrial
Revolutionary Innovations
Electricity, Automobiles,
1900s - 2000s
IT Revolution
Revolutionary Innovations
Computers, Internet,
2022 & beyond
Digital Revolution
Revolutionary Innovations
Blockchain, AI,
Electric Vehicles,
Genome Sequencing,
Semiconductors & More
Skip this section
The pace of innovation is getting faster than ever. General
Purpose Technologies are now getting created in 4 years. View Infographic
What’s more, innovation-led companies can also deliver
better returns over time to investors. View Infographic
However, for every successful company, there
are hundreds of failures. View Infographic
So how should you  invest?
DSP Global Innovation Fund of Fund: A Balanced
approach that covers multiple innovation themes.
Our 3-pronged approach captures many different types of
innovators across sectors to balance risk-reward outcomes.
BlueBox Global
Technology Fund
Where will this fund invest?
6 underlying funds to balance between
strategies & market caps.
BGF World
Morgan Stanley
US Insight Fund
Nikko AM ARK
Disruptive Innovation Fund
Semiconductor ETF
ishares NASDAQ

Portfolio Design Update (January 24, 2022)

SEBI has set an industry-level limit of $7 BN for Mutual Funds (MFs) to invest in overseas securities & MFs & a limit of $1 billion for investment in overseas Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). While the overseas ETF limit is still some distance away, the $7 BN limit for investments in overseas securities/MFs could get exhausted soon. Hence, on 23rd Jan 2022, SEBI advised us that DSP Global Innovation Fund of Fund (DSPGIF) should invest only in overseas ETFs until the overall limit of $7BN is raised. Therefore, DSPGIF will begin by investing 50% each into the iShares PHLX Semiconductor ETF and iShares NASDAQ 100 UCITS ETF. Eventually, the portfolio will aim to reflect our original design once the $7BN limit is enhanced. Please note this change, before you invest.

Key Highlights
6 managers, 1 fund
6 international asset
managers, 1 fund
Access to innovative companies with accelerated growth potential
Access to innovative companies with accelerated growth potential
Low stock sector concentration risk
Low stock & sector
concentration risk
Good international diversification strategy
Good international
diversification strategy
Robust Historical returns (for our basket of funds)
Robust Historical returns*  (for
our basket of funds)
Periodic drawdowns possible
Periodic drawdowns

The Right Way to Invest –
Start a SIP

Investing in a theme like this has high risks of companies failing and of large & frequent drawdowns, due to the volatile nature of this space.

While the product design addresses the risk of companies failing by investing in a large number of stocks across sectors, one additional way of reducing risk while taking advantage of these drawdowns is by investing via the SIP route. Watch this video for more.

Need help investing? Let us help you.

Give us your details & one of our empaneled partners will call you. If you invest via a MF Distributor, we strongly recommend you ask them for more on this fund.

Frequently Asked Questions

Additional information you may find helpful.

A Fund of Fund is a mutual fund scheme that in turn, invests in other mutual fund schemes.

While other mutual fund schemes collect money from investors & invest the money in equity stocks or debt instruments based on their investment mandate, a fund of fund invests the collected pool of money in one or more other mutual fund schemes (either within the fund house or across other fund managers/ houses).
Investing in this scheme will come with debt taxation.

You will need to pay short-term capital gain tax according to your income tax if you redeem before 36 months. However, if you hold the investment for more than 36 months, a long-term capital gain tax of 20% will be levied, after applying the benefit of indexation.
(Indexation is used to adjust the original purchase price of an investment to reflect the effect of inflation on it. Applying indexation raises the purchase price and therefore reflects lesser real profits, which in turn effectively means a lower tax for you. With the help of indexation, you will be able to lower your long-term capital gains, which brings down your taxable income.)
Here are the links to all the literature you need on this product: (make these bullets as hyperlinks)
While innovation, inversion, doing things faster, automation, efficiency increase all sound very exciting, they’re not easy. A particular theme might suddenly get out of flavour and even in the same theme companies might fail. For every Whatsapp, there are the BBMs, Hikes, Yahoo messengers that lost the battle eventually. For every Facebook, there are the Orkuts, Myspaces, hi5s that couldn’t succeed. For investors, this means that innovation can be a tricky theme to try to gain from.

Here's what you need to keep in mind:
Yes, based on what history tells us, innovation premiums and a subsequent outperformance compared to markets if identified and explored at the right time can become a fair expectation for investors. Why does this happen?
to watch a detailed video.
The TER of the Regular plan will be ~2.55% and for the Direct plan ~1.35%. This includes expenses of all the underlying funds too.