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Market And Economy

Closing in from all sides!



Jan 20, 2025 4 mins



Find out why a multi-asset portfolio might be the key to creating generational wealth more smoothly.

Retail investors usually have access to four relatively liquid asset classes: domestic equity, international equity, debt, and gold. And depending on their risk appetite, it’s quite common for investors to have two or three preferred asset classes.

For instance, more adventurous folks might ignore gold and debt altogether, while retired investors might not be very interested in international equity.

In any case, a portfolio with holdings in all four asset classes is often perceived as being over-diversified, and thus spread too thin to generate significant returns.

But as with most things, the devil is in the details. It turns out that if you build a multi-asset portfolio with a rather conservative asset allocation and maintain it over the long term, you could generate equity-level, inflation-beating returns — with much less volatility than equities!

Don’t take our word for it: look at the data below.


Source: Bloomberg, DSP. Data as of Dec 2024. All returns are in local currency except for Emerging Market (USD). Multi Asset is based on Annual rebalancing and the weights are: Domestic Equity – 50%; Debt – 20%;
International Equity – 15%, Gold – 15%. Indices used For Equity: Emerging Markets (USD) – MSCI EM Index, India – Nifty 50, China – CSI300, Thailand – SET Index, Pakistan – KSE 100 Index, Japan – TOPIX, USA – S&P500, UK- FTSE 100 Index. For Debt, we have used: Emerging Markets (USD) – Bloomberg EM Sovereign Index, India – Crisil Short Term Bond, China - Bloomberg China Treasury, Thailand – Thai BMA Govt Bond Index, Pakistan - Bloomberg emerging fixed income – Pakistan, Japan - FTSE Japan Gov Bond, USA - Bloomberg US treasury bond index, UK - Bloomberg UK Gilt 1-5 year Index. International Equity for Emerging Markets (USD), India, Thailand, Pakistan, Japan, UK – MSCI ACWI and for China – MSCI ACWI ex China and for USA – MSCI ACWI ex US. Gold returns are in local currency except for Emerging Markets(USD).

As you can see, in all the markets under consideration, multi-asset returns either exceeded or came close to exceeding domestic equity returns in local currency terms over the last 20 years.

At the same time, the standard deviation (a measure of volatility) of multi-asset returns was significantly lower than that for domestic equity returns. The main reason for this is that usually, a period that is dismal for one asset class proves to be a good period for another asset class.

A final critical point to note is that over this 20-year period, gold outperformed equity markets in local currency terms across all markets.

Thus, it can be argued that multi-asset investing is not just another ho-hum strategy among many others — instead, perhaps it deserves to be the go-to strategy for portfolio management.

Indeed, it might be the most reliable way to create multi-generational wealth… if you can just manage to put up with the boredom!

For more actionable insights backed by data and analyses, we invite you to read the latest edition of Netra in its entirety.

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Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.


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