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Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. DSPAM 2024


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Taking off those rose-tinted glasses


Feb 13, 2025 3 mins



India’s $30 trillion GDP target by 2047 sounds ambitious—but is it realistic? Achieving it requires sustained 8.5% growth, something India hasn’t managed for two consecutive years since 1971. History and data suggest dialing down expectations. Investors, take note: growth, earnings, and returns may not be as high as hoped.

Over the past year, several union ministers anticipated, that India could be a $30 trillion economy by 2047.

But what does the past have to say about the achievability of that target?

For India to reach a GDP of $30 trillion (assuming a stable US Dollar-to-Rupee exchange rate), it will take 25 years at a real growth rate of 8.5% CAGR.

Let’s look at a key consequence of this fact that is of great relevance to investors. Given the RBI’s inflation target of 4%, a real GDP growth rate of 8.5% implies that nominal growth would be close to 12.5% CAGR. Moreover, Indian corporate earnings typically grow slightly slower than long-term nominal GDP growth.

This means that even in the best-case scenario where the GDP grows at 8.5% CAGR and corporate earnings grow at the same rate as long-term nominal GDP growth, the latter will only grow at a rate of 12.5% CAGR.

But here’s the biggest sticking point: it’s incredibly hard to grow the GDP at 8.5% YoY to begin with.

The table below shows that India hasn’t seen two consecutive years of >8% GDP growth since 1971.


Source: NSO, MOSPI; Data as on Jan 2025

And as the size of the GDP increases, maintaining such a high rate will become even more challenging. In fact, except for China, no other country has ever grown at an 8.6% CAGR for 25 years.

A lot would need to go just right for India for its lofty goal to be met. To achieve and maintain high growth, India needs to boost low-skilled manufacturing, increase female labour participation, and avoid protectionist policies — but none of these actions are easy to pull off.

For more actionable insights backed by data and analyses, we invite you to read the latest edition of Netra in its entirety.

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Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.


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